

The Simple Serialize (SSZ) protocol (spec (opens in a new tab)) is used to ensure that data sent to peers is interpreted unambiguously.

It is used in two main ways:

  • Encoding: from rich data (struct, enum) to bytes (Vec<u8>).
  • Decoding: from bytes (Vec<u8>) to rich data (struct, enum).

The encoded data is not self-describing, so you have to know what sort of data you are expecting. Hence, the data type descriptions in the Portal Network spec.

Encoded data can only be interpreted in one way. Additionally, encoded data can also be used in Merkle proofs efficiently.


The following is a quick overview of major composite types used. See the spec for basic types (e.g., bits, bools, unsigned integers).

ListHolds variable number of a specified itemSpecify max number
VectorHolds specific number of a specified itemSpecify number
ContainerHolds many different specified itemsItems are spaced into 32 byte partitions
UnionHolds one of many different specified itemsItem kind is specified using a prepended selector byte

Each type can hold any of the other types, so a Container can hold a List and a Union, and the Union can hold another Container, etc. Anything that is put into one of the types above must itself be SSZ-able


The ssz crate does a lot of the work by providing Encode and Decode methods that can be derived.

#[derive(Clone, Debug, Decode, Encode, PartialEq)]
#[ssz(enum_behaviour = "union")]
pub enum HistoryContentKey {

The spec defines a content key for the History sub-protocol as:

block_header_key = Container(block_hash: Bytes32)
selector         = 0x00
content_key      = selector + SSZ.serialize(block_header_key)

The inclusion of the selector is handled by implementing serde::Serialize for the enum, and including the appending the appropriate selector byte.

That is, the hex string ready to be serialized into bytes for a block header would be

# Header, body or receipts
"0x<selector byte><block hash>"
# Header specifically
"0x00<block hash>"
# Serialize to bytes
[0x00, ...]

Merkle proofs

The Epoch Accumulator uses SSZ encoding. This allows for Merkle proofs to be made for arbitrary historical blocks against the accumulator.